Sunday, April 08, 2007

Easter Fun

Time to relax around the village, since this year we've decided to stay put, and take it easy. Or so we thought. Despite being so early, the Easter weather was rather fine - in fact warm & sunny. You can't miss you chances this time of year, so we all piled outside.

Good Friday was spent on the necessary chore of sorting out the garden. Lawns - cut. Hedges - cut. Cable on hedge trimmer - cut (well done Lucy!). Our just reward was a fish supper from the local chippy. The pieces of haddock are about the size of a whale.

Saturday saw some spirited community activity - a village litter pick. We collected collected all manner of junk from the hedgerows - numerous sweet & crisp wrappers, assorted dog ends, a few empty cans, mummified dog poo and even a 'gel' type bicylce saddle, complete with post. Rosie took great pride in getting right into the ditch.....

After such exhausting work it was good to play in the sun whilst mum & dad tried to relax. Never easy with this pair :-)

On Easter day the village church was decked out in wonderful displays of flowers. There even a chance to buy some yummy cake . And make a small donation to church funds, via thewas huge collection bottle.....

Click on any of the pictures to see them full size. And of course a lot more pictures of Easter fun can be found on our Picassa web album by clicking here

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