Saturday, January 27, 2007

Fluff Weekend #1

A special treat this week-end; Rosie got to take Fluff home. Fluff is the school Teddy, and if the children are good they all get a turn to look after Fluff for a whole weekend.

Saturday was very busy ! After a huge breakfast of pancakes, sausages & maple syrup, Rosie went off to her ususal swimming lesson - with Daddy providing the taxi service.

But the high-point of the day was not one but two parties. At 1.00pm was the Grandborough village party - a kind of belated Christmas bash. After lashing of yummy party food we were entertained by a magician. And Rosie & Thomas even got close to his bunny rabbit.

No sooner had that finished when we all bundled into the car to head off to Clowning Around (a play-barn) for a friends birthday bash - phew. No wonder bed-time came early.

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