Saturday, January 31, 2009

Thomas' Birthday Party

A little earlier than The Big Day, Thomas shared his birthday party today with Lucy & Dominic.

There was a fancy dress theme, so Thomas went as Virgil Tracy, Rosie as the Disney Princess, Belle. And Joseph was a Little Monster (not sure what his costume was though!)

Thomas thought the new costume was 'Top Banana'

....whilst everyone enjoyed balloon games....

...and dancing about.

And there was a huge array of great presents too! of cake to follow.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy New Year 2009

A cold and frosty morning wasn't enough to keep us in the warm house. As has become a tradition, we went for a stroll up to the style

where Pinky & Perky had their annual snap-shot taken

....there was three generations of us for a change.