Saturday, June 28, 2008

Grandborough Pig Roast

A gathering of folk from the village and further afield. A chance to enjoy good food, fine wine, polite conversation

(click picture for more photos)

and behave like the upstanding citizens we all are.....

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Broadwell Scarecrow Trail

A day out in a neighbouring village, and we went out hunting scarecrows in bright sunshine; and a howling gale. There were 37 scarecrows in all; though a few remained elusive.

We managed a picnic without everything blowing away, and bumped into quite a few friends. And even found a scarecrow who could mow the lawn.

If only it was that easy. More photos can be found here.

Sunday, June 15, 2008


After much nagging, 'Daddy will you take my stabilisers off my bike??' I finally gave in, moved them up out of the way, rendering them ineffective. And prepared for crashes, grazed knees and tears. Rosie thought otherwise... Watch the video and all will be revealed.

Broadband advisable

Monday, June 09, 2008

Yummy Cake

Lucy, along with the other volunteers at the local PTA (aka The Friends) spent Saturday running a highly successful Nearly New Sale. A side-stall was selling delicious home made cakes, so it would have been wrong to pass them by.

Thus Lucy brought home a luvverly chocolate, cream and fruit sponge made by good friend Michelle. It's only right the cake should have an airing on the blog. Sadly I wasn't quick enough with the camera. The whole, large, cake lasted less than 48 hrs.

Here's Thomas with the debris!

Thanks Michelle!!

Sunday, June 08, 2008

On Any (2 Stroke) Sunday

Though this time there were as many classic old rattlers as stinkers.

This time the whole tribe went to the pub.

Rosie posed by a shiny thing that was even older than Dad!

Joe stuffed himself with chips - classic biker grub

Thomas turned a bit trippy-hippy

Oh, and the bikes?? Click here for the piccies

Thursday, June 05, 2008

First Day At School

It's become the tradition in this household to capture the little ones on camera as they leave the house for their first day at nursery. Thus we have both Rosie & Thomas standing by the blue door. Joseph was determined to break with tradition. So here he is, on his knees, en-route to Bizzy Tots.

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Grandborough Ankle Biters FC

In preparation for this years inter-village challenge the local kids indulge in a kick-around by way of training.

Thomas gets stuck in whilst Rosie shoots for goal.

Just when you thought his dribbling days were over. And Rosie disagrees with the ref's decision.

Click here for more

The Long Way Up

With mobility comes the thirst for excitement & danger. And when you're 1 year old, the stairs fits the bill nicely.