Sunday, April 27, 2008

Self Sufficient

Now he is one, Joseph is learning to fend for himself. Here he is Hitting The Bottle....

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Le Dejeuner sur l'herb,

It's not just Edouard Manet who had the idea of eating outside. The first sign of sunny weather and the tribe are spreading crumbs over the lawn....

Friday, April 25, 2008

Joseph's Birthday

The little fella's first Birthday, and an excuse for another party. Which means party food and prezzies....

And of course

C A K E !

A gamulfry of photos can be found on Picasa

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Snowy Spring

The first Sunday in April, and on opening the curtains I'm greeted by the sight of a white blanket of snow on the green.

Pinky and Perky were just dying to get out into the white stuff; thus we were all wrapped up and out the door before 9 a.m. And shortly after the joys of two wheels and zero grip were being explored.

The contrast of spring being suddenly hit by winter was evident around the village.

But the church sure did look picturesque

More photos on Picasa