Friday, April 27, 2007

Little Boy Comes Home

I came home today - and was greeted by a slobbery kiss from my Big Brother

I think me and Thomas have developed an understanding already

After she came home from school I got another slobbery kiss from mys sister

To avoid too much pestering by the other two, I'll be scapering off to here...My Room!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

It's A Buoy

Sorry, unfortunate typo

It's A Boy

Joseph Graham James O’Reilly

Born 25th April 2007 at 08.53 weighing 3.67kg

Mother and Baby are both doing fine.

As with the other two, Dad wore his lucky Ireland shirt for the occasion !

And Rosie had a munch too...

More pictures on the Picassa album.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Fairies Wear Boots

Goin' home, late last night,
Suddenly I got a fright
Yeah I looked through the window and surprised what I saw
Fairy boots were dancing with a dwarf.....

Fairies wear boots and you gotta believe me
Yeah I saw it, I saw it, I tell you no lies
Yeah fairies wear boots and you gotta believe me
I saw it, I saw it with my own two eyes,

So I went to the doctor
See what he could give me
He said son, son, youve gone too far....

(With thanks to Tony Iommi, Ozzy Osbourne, Geezer Butler and Bill Ward)

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Alfresco Dining

With temperatures soaring to 24°c (in April!!) it seemed wrong to dine indoors, when such weather can be so shortlived.

This being Sunday, we had 'proper food' so a full Sunday dinner was enjoyed under the shade of the parasol.

After enjoying her repast, Lucy (and bump) took it easy - care of a paperback....

.....whilst the monsters invented their own back-garden roller-coaster....

More of this mayhem can be found on Picassa here

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Mummy's Birthday

We had a fairly quiet day, with some breakfast in bed for mummy, followed by no particular rush to get dressed. Lunch had been arranged at the local pub, the Shoulder Of Mutton, so why rush...

When we got there the pub was packed - on a Thursday lunch-time. I suspect the local Darby & Joan were having a day out. Still Mummy waited patiently....

Thomas was a cheeky monkey...

Rosie drank some blackcurrant squash...

And then she wrapped Daddy around her little finger. Again.

And after all this fun, we went home and had some

C H O C O L A T E C A K E ! ! !

Right, on three, all blow.

One, two.....

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Steam Trains at the GWR

A day out during the Easter holidays took us south to the Gloucestershire Warwickshire Railway to relive the days of steam. It's amazing what fun can be had rattling up a short stretch of line that was probably closed by Dr. Beeching. And a a pace no greter than 30mph. In First Class. By disobeying the 'do not put your head out' sticker above one of the windows, I was able to enjoy a pleasure few enjoy these days. Steam engine smut right in the eyeball.

The fireman on the Black Prince allowed the childred (brief) visits onto the footplate, he even had the decency to keep them well away fom the fire.

More pictures on Picassa

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Easter Fun

Time to relax around the village, since this year we've decided to stay put, and take it easy. Or so we thought. Despite being so early, the Easter weather was rather fine - in fact warm & sunny. You can't miss you chances this time of year, so we all piled outside.

Good Friday was spent on the necessary chore of sorting out the garden. Lawns - cut. Hedges - cut. Cable on hedge trimmer - cut (well done Lucy!). Our just reward was a fish supper from the local chippy. The pieces of haddock are about the size of a whale.

Saturday saw some spirited community activity - a village litter pick. We collected collected all manner of junk from the hedgerows - numerous sweet & crisp wrappers, assorted dog ends, a few empty cans, mummified dog poo and even a 'gel' type bicylce saddle, complete with post. Rosie took great pride in getting right into the ditch.....

After such exhausting work it was good to play in the sun whilst mum & dad tried to relax. Never easy with this pair :-)

On Easter day the village church was decked out in wonderful displays of flowers. There even a chance to buy some yummy cake . And make a small donation to church funds, via thewas huge collection bottle.....

Click on any of the pictures to see them full size. And of course a lot more pictures of Easter fun can be found on our Picassa web album by clicking here